Detrack Integration

This integration allow you to sync your WPCargo shipment to your Detrack application account.

Whatsapp Notification

Allow to track shipment updates through Whatsapp via Bot/ AI or send status in your Whatsapp number every changing of status.

Read this documentation on how to set up the add on.

Viber Notification

Allow to track shipment updates through Viber Application via Bot/ AI or send status in your Viber every changing of status.

Read this documentation on how to set up the add on.

Social Login Integration

Allows you to add any social login WordPress plugin code in your registration and login form through WPCargo Frontend Manager hooks, which will enable your clients to register and login using their social media accounts. For a guide on how to add your social login buttons, please check here.



WPCargo API Add-on allows third party websites to access and update your WPCargo Shipments by using the WPCargo API route.

Transferring shipments from one site to another makes it difficult without a tool to be used for adding them on your WPCargo site. WPCargo Import/Export add-on will help you add your shipments in bulk using a CSV template. The template generated from your site will be based on the fields that you have set in your Custom Field Add-on.

The export shipment feature allows you to select on what data you will be needing in your exported file. It also has several filters if you want to specify what type of shipments you need such as shipper’s shipments, shipment status or date range.

Parcel Consolidation

WPCargo Parcel Consolidation allows you to consolidate multiple parcels into one shipment for a single receiver. It is similar to Item Consolidation.  The difference is that, in Item Consolidation, the items are broken down based on item type and quantity so that it is individually encoded on the system. In Parcel Consolidation on the other hand, the items are broken down into item type. So if Client purchased 5 bags from Amazon, that would be considered as 1 item.

Item Consolidation

WPCargo Item Consolidation allows you to consolidate multiple items purchased from one or more eCommerce sites into one shipment for a single receiver. For example, If you purchased 5 bags from Amazon and 3 bracelets from eBay, the Site Admin will encode the items individually.

Afterwhich, Client will be able to choose which items and the quantity that will be shipped. The remaining quantity will then be shown on the Client’s item tab which he can add on his next shipment. So for example, Client to chooses to ship 2 bags and 2 bracelets on his first shipment, the remaining quantity will be displayed on his item table.

Shipment Consolidation

WPCargo Shipment Consolidation allows you to consolidate multiple shipments into one for a single receiver. For example, if Client orders from Amazon, eBay, Etsy and Bonanza, he can address all this to your warehouse. All shipments can then be consolidated by the client based on his choices. So 5 bags and 5 bracelets purchased from Amazon is considered 1 shipment, 3 bags and 3 bracelets from eBay will be considered as another shipment and 2 bags and 2 bracelets from Bonanza another shipment. Client will then choose which shipments will be consolidated and shipped to him.

Containers and Manifest

WPCargo Shipment Container add on allows you to group multiple shipments travelling in the same vicinity into one full truckload. If you only use half or a quarter of a space in one truckload, you will typically still have to pay for the entire space. Shipment Container will help your clients save money by sharing the space with other shippers thus only paying for the space that their freight takes up.It is also recommended for companies with multiple branches to help them group shipments by location.

Branch Manager

WPCargo Branch Manager helps you to classify your shipments by branch. This add-on enables the admin to create a Branch Manager account and allow them to assign shipments to the agents under them. This would also mean, shipments that are not assigned to the branch manager will not be visible on their list of shipments. This is recommended for companies with multiple branches to help them manage and monitor shipments efficiently.
