
WPCargo Baidu Map Integration is a WordPress plugin for WPCargo that itegrate Baidu Map as an alternative to Google Map.


WPcargo integrate in SmsGateWay24 for SMS notification. You need to subscribe in SmsGateWay24 in order to have API key and add it in the WPCargo SMS Add-on settings


WPcargo integrate in WEBSMS.GR for SMS notification. You need to subscribe in WEBSMS.GR in order to have API key and add it in the WPCargo SMS Add-on settings


WPcargo integrate in SMS GATEWAY HUB for SMS notification. You need to subscribe in SMS GATEWAY HUB in order to have API key and add it in the WPCargo SMS Add-on settings


WPcargo is Free WordPress integrate in BESTSMS.EU for SMS notification. You need to subscribe in BESTSMS.EU in order to have API key and add it in the WPCargo SMS Add-on and WPCargo SMS OTP Add-on settings


WPcargo integrate in BULK SMS for SMS notification. You need to subscribe in BULK SMS in order to have API key and add it in the WPCargo SMS Add-on settings


WPcargo integrate in Twilio for SMS notification. You need to subscribe in Twilio in order to have API key and add it in the WPCargo SMS Add-on settings

One Way SMS

WPcargo is a free WordPress plugin that integrate in One Way SMS for SMS notification. You need to subscribe in One Way SMS in order to have API key and add it in the WPCargo SMS Add-on and WPCargo SMS OTP Addons settings.