How to include Query Monitor in Frontend Dashboard

  1. Install and Activate Query Monitor Plugin
  2. Copy and paste the following code in the functions.php of your current theme to include Query Monitor in your frontend dashboard.
//Query Monitor Enqueue
// Include your css style
function custom_wpcfe_registered_styles( $styles ){
  // custom-styles - is your enqueued style handle
  $styles[] = 'query-monitor';
  return $styles;
add_filter( 'wpcfe_registered_styles', 'custom_wpcfe_registered_styles', 99 );

// Include your script
function custom_wpcfe_registered_scripts( $scripts ){
  // custom-scripts - is your enqueued script handle
  $scripts[] = 'query-monitor';
  return $scripts;
add_filter( 'wpcfe_registered_scripts', 'custom_wpcfe_registered_scripts', 99 );

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